Sahabat untuk selamanya
Bersama untuk selamanya
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya setia
Sahabat untuk selamanya
Atasi semua perbedaan
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya
Selamanya setia
Sahabat untuk selamanya
Berbagi dan saling menjaga
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
mLm mggu yg mncaNgoi kn....
ad ke ptut mlm2 mggu cmni ak juz lpak kt hstel ngn eikha n auney...xptut btol g merewang cni sne ktorg lak juz ni jela...mengupdate bLog je keje...hahahahaaha...hubby ak lak time2 ni la gak die nk g mranggi....jgn wat hal da laa ye bese r klu da lpak ngn dorg ni...mkn megi laa...da ak dtg mmbw pwut yg kosg..hahahahahaha...xley blah...cadek tol laa, yg ak merapu pn ak xtaw laa...yg ak taw ak da bosn laaa....huhuhuhuhuuuuuuuu....
Friday, January 21, 2011
Never Knew I needed - Neyo
For the way you changed my plans
for being the perfect distraction
for the way you took the idea that i have
of everything that i wanted to have
and made me see there was something missing (oh yeah)
for the ending of my first begin
and for the rare and unexpected friend
for the way you're something that i never choose
but at the same time something i don't wanna lose
and never wanna be without ever again (oh oh)
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so now it's so clear i need you here always
my accidental happily (ever after) (oh oh oh)
the way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
i must admit you were not a part of my book
but now if you open it up and take a look
you're the beginning and the end of every chapter (oh oh)
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
who knew that I could be here (who knew that i could be here oh oh)
so unexpectedly (so unexpectedly oh oh)
undeniablely happy (hey)
said with you right here, right here next to me (oh)
girl you're the..
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (said i needed oh oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (needed oh)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
baby baby
now it's so clear i need you here always
for being the perfect distraction
for the way you took the idea that i have
of everything that i wanted to have
and made me see there was something missing (oh yeah)
for the ending of my first begin
and for the rare and unexpected friend
for the way you're something that i never choose
but at the same time something i don't wanna lose
and never wanna be without ever again (oh oh)
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so now it's so clear i need you here always
my accidental happily (ever after) (oh oh oh)
the way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
i must admit you were not a part of my book
but now if you open it up and take a look
you're the beginning and the end of every chapter (oh oh)
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
who knew that I could be here (who knew that i could be here oh oh)
so unexpectedly (so unexpectedly oh oh)
undeniablely happy (hey)
said with you right here, right here next to me (oh)
girl you're the..
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (said i needed oh oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (needed oh)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
baby baby
now it's so clear i need you here always
Thursday, January 20, 2011
"Extravaganza Futsal" la logo for group ktorg...wlupn agk bruk tp kre ok laa....idea tuk wat futsal ni sbnrnye dtg dr ak , tasha n tia,...wlupn mule2 dorg cm xstuju tp akhrnye dperstujui rmai...EMPIRE GLORY di asaskn oleh Asad Safwan as our president..hehhehehehe....glory tu sbnrnye sbb ktorg mnat MU...Extravaganza Futsal lak dpt coz mse tu kn bwu pas amik laa tjuk lg bunkface tu...tentatif tuk progrm ktorg ni:
TARIKH: 27 FEB 2011
MASA: 8am-4pm
TEMPAT: Sri Gombak
YURAN: RM80 (1 pasukn)
klu korg brmnat n rse nk tnye pape...korg juz contct ak je...0172087398..(yg berkaitn progrm ni je k...klu yg xde kaitn xkn dlyn...hrap mklum) ni jela skit sbnyk cter ttg event ktorg...klu ad yg nk lur2 kn sumbgn tu ok gak....mmg sgt2 dharap kn...coz bajet ktorg pn bsar gak n xmncukupi...klu rse nk bg sumbgn pn ley gak contct ak laa lbh2 cket ye...hhahahahahaahah
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pepatah 4 to day!!!!!!!
"Bagai Menarik rambut dlm tpung....tpung jgn bselerak...rmbut jgn ptus...."
so pk laa jln mne yg terbaek tuk kdua2 phak...jgn juz sblh phak je.....
so pk laa jln mne yg terbaek tuk kdua2 phak...jgn juz sblh phak je.....
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Lelaki & EGO!!!!!!!!
Lelaki & ego mmg xley dpsahkn...korg mst skong ngan ak kn...wahaii lelaki la...dgn ego korg xkn kmane pn....dsbbkn ego korg tu korg xtaw pmpuan yg mnggung akbatnye....
1) Sifat ego lelaki blh mnitis kn air mata pmpuan.
2) Sifat ego lelaki akn myebabkn pmpuan bosan dgn dorg.
3) Sifat ego lelaki akn myebabkn die khilngan org yg die syg slame2 nye..
4) Sifat ego lelaki myebabkn pmpuan ptah ati...
Jd sbg lelaki...cubala pk2 kn...xkn pmpuan je yg kne mgalah stiap kli korg wat slah???hnya dgn satu ucapn maaf je korg da wat ati pmpuan tu mkn syg kt korg...sorg pmpuan juz perlukn prhatian dr korg n klu rse korg xmmpu nk bri jgn go on dgn pe yg korg wat....
1) Sifat ego lelaki blh mnitis kn air mata pmpuan.
2) Sifat ego lelaki akn myebabkn pmpuan bosan dgn dorg.
3) Sifat ego lelaki akn myebabkn die khilngan org yg die syg slame2 nye..
4) Sifat ego lelaki myebabkn pmpuan ptah ati...
Jd sbg lelaki...cubala pk2 kn...xkn pmpuan je yg kne mgalah stiap kli korg wat slah???hnya dgn satu ucapn maaf je korg da wat ati pmpuan tu mkn syg kt korg...sorg pmpuan juz perlukn prhatian dr korg n klu rse korg xmmpu nk bri jgn go on dgn pe yg korg wat....
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Kenangan Lama Kembali Menjelma....
Rse still xpuas lg ak lpak ngn mmb ak kt hstel...bwu ak sdar yg dorg la kwn bek ak slame ni yg ak abaikan...Thanx coz still lg nk berkwn ngn ak...hehehe...eikha n auney...korg mmg CARA laaa...ngn korg je pasti gmbra hdup ak...kte asyk glak2 smpai bring2 kt tmn td...bez sgt....ak syg korg laa...korg gak la tman ak nk cter prob....korg gak la tman yg mnghlng kn kesunyian ak...SUMPAH korg mmg bez...jom men jumping2 lg...hahahaha...ak xkn lpe korg smpai ble2 laa....
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Came back!!!!!
hahahahahaaa....lme gak ak x update blog ak ni...biase r xde follower....btw still x trlmbt lg tuk ak wish hepi new year laa....umo pn da mkn mngkt so pkrn pn kne la lbh mtang cket..cehhh...poyo je lbh.....
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